Psychedelic Honey is Back!

meet the earth friendliest
swim & activewear ever

Hi! It’s me Katie Lovelace:)
It’s been a long journey as a small business owner through Covid.

With constant closures to ensure the health of our Made-in-Ca community, we have finally finished relaunched!
I’m so excited to share with you what I’ve been working on since 2018 at
Thank you for your support!

the biodegradable line is here

From working with a small artisan mill to innovate the first biodegradable polyamide fabric, to hand drawing 4 new prints & 2 new styles on my tiny boat home, to sewing a small batch, slowly & locally in CA, every step is filled with intention & gratitude for the planet & its people. Even my mom made the first samples:)

Shop it at



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